We will wholeheartedly provide our customers with high quality products and satisfactory service
Yantai Jikai Mine Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd

Yantai Jikai Mining Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.(shortened as YJMET) was restructured from Yantai Taishi Plastic Products Co., Ltd, at the request of documents, namely, of the General Office of the State Council on the System Reform of Enterprises Affiliated to Colleges and Universities (Decision by the General Office of the State Council [2018]No. 42), the Department of Education of the People Govemment of Shandong Province on the Implementation of the System Reform of Enterprises Affiliated to Colleges and Universities (Official Letter by the Department of Education of Shandong [2019], No. 32) and Shandong Business and Technology University on Promoting the System Reform of Universities-run Enterprises.

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To survive by quality, to develop by reputation, and to provide customers with high quality products

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Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

Production workshop

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The following points should be paid attention to when changing parts of trough idler:
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There are many types of groove roller, which are widely used in the environment with large dust and high corrosiveness in the open air, such as power plant, steel plant, cement plant, salt field, fertilizer plant, wharf, etc. Let us understand the performance characteristics of grooved idlers.
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As an old idler manufacturer, the company introduces to you the following seven points to judge whether the centering idler is good or bad. 。
Compound roller is widely used in transportation system of wharf, mine, factory, power plant, grain station, etc. compared with ordinary roller, compound roller is easier to play its advantages in conveying acid, alkali, salt, chemical, chemical and other corrosive materials and workplaces with high fire resistance coefficient.
There are different opinions on the causes of roller bearing damage. We summarize the following six main reasons for roller bearing damage.
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Yantai Jikai Mine Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd



Address:No.11 Heshan Road, Hi-tech Zone, Yantai City

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